GDF3 File and Data Specifications for GCA4
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File Structure

This document covers the general file structure of a GCA data file (.GDF).

General Structure Notes

A data file is basically made up of a lot of item definitions, broken into various sections and sub-sections. While there are a few exceptions to specific sections, the general structure is always the same.

Each section of the data file is started by the name of the section enclosed in square brackets, such as [Skills] or [Groups]. If the current section supports sub-sections, they are always enclosed in angle brackets, such as <General> or <Esoteric>.

Changes from Version=2

The Settings, SkillTypes, BasicDamage, ConvertDice, Equipment, and NewPackages sections are all new. The Bonus section is gone, and NewPackages is used for the new format packages, instead of the old Packages section.


Given below is a general structure for a data file. From there, you can jump to the section of interest. Note that no section is required for any particular data file, but the first line shown, Version=3, is required as the first line of all data files. Any information appearing at the top of the file, before any formal section headings (enclosed in square brackets), is called the header.

* The version information above MUST be the first line of the data file

Description=Brief description information about the file.

author section text
skill type definitions
basic damage list
dice conversion list
trait definitions
trait definitions
trait definitions
trait definitions
trait definitions
trait definitions
trait definitions
equipment item definitions
template definitions
<group name>
group items
<list name>
list items
<modifier group>
modifier items


The header section currently includes only three pieces of information, plus any comments you choose to place there. This information is the Version, the Description, and the Program requirement.

* The version information above MUST be the first line of the data file

Description=Brief description information about the file.


As mentioned above, the very first line of any data file must be the Version=3 line. After that, things are less particular.

The Description= line should describe the contents of the file, but can contain any information after the = that you want to include. You should be brief, however, as this text is displayed in a limited amount of space within GCA. If you wrap the text to other lines using hard returns, you must use line continuation characters to ensure that GCA correctly reads the full text into one line.

The Program= line specifies the required version of GCA (or later) needed to process the data in the file. This is commonly used to notify the user to update their copy if new features have allowed for additional types of data handling, which are being used in this file..


















This document last updated July 25, 2007. Copyright © 2004, 2007 Armin D. Sykes. All rights reserved.