GDF3 File and Data Specifications for GCA4
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Functions are feature of the math engine that provide you access to sometimes complex features, in a simple fashion. All functions start with the @ sign to tell GCA that it's a function.


@fac - Factorial of a number.
@fix - Integer part of a number.
@hasmod - The level of the modifier specified, if 'owned' by the current item.
@if - Select one of two options depending on the value of an expression.
@indexedvalue - Select a list item according to the value of an index number.
@int - First integer less than or equal to a number.
@log - Log base 10 of a number.
@max - Select the highest value in a list of numbers.
@min - Select the lowest value in a list of numbers.
@nlog - Natural log of a number.
@power - Raise x to the yth power.
@sqr - Square root of a number.

Not yet done:

@itemhasmod - The level of the modifier specified, if the item specified has the modifier applied.
@ownerhasmod - The level of the modifier specified, if the owning item has the modifier applied.
@sametext - Does a simple string comparison of two text items, and returns 1 if both are the same (ignores case).
@textindexedvalue - Select a list item according to a comparison of text items.
@baseswdice - The number of dice of swing damage the given value would do if it was a ST score.
@basethdice - The number of dice of thrust damage the given value would do if it was a ST score.


The documentation below uses templates to demonstrate the structure of the various functions. The templates are meant to provide a quick way to see how the functions are formatted. Trying to do this, however, is not always easy, and we have made some formatting decisions that may take some getting used to. So here's an explanation of how things work.




This function returns the factorial of a given number.


@fac( number )


A factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to number. The function returns 1 for any number less than two.



This example will return a value of 120 (5*4*3*2*1 = 120).




This function returns the integer part of a number.


@fix( number )


The @fix function removes the fractional part of number and returns the resulting integer value.


@fix(8.45) // returns 8

@fix(-8.45) // returns -8

Negative numbers are effectively rounded up (-8 is greater than -8.45). If you always want to round down, use @int.




This function returns the level of the modifier specified, if 'owned' by the current item.


@hasmod( modifier name )


If the modifier name modifier has been applied to the trait being evaluated, then the level of that modifier will be returned. Otherwise, 0 will be returned.



This example will return the level of XXXXXXXXXX, or 0 if it does not exist.




This function evaluates an expression and returns one of two possible results depending on the value of the expression.


@if( expression THEN result [ELSE altresult] )


The expression placeholder is an expression, such as IQ > 10, a bit of math, or whatever.

The result and altresult placeholders are values or math that results in a value. If expression is any non-zero result, including a true evaluation (such as 3>2), then result is used as the result of the function, otherwise altresult is used as the result of the function. If there is no ELSE part, then 0 would be returned for any false, or zero, result of expression.

Example 1:

upto( @if(ST:IQ > 10 then 10 else 5) )

In this case, if the character's IQ is more than 10, upto() would be 10, otherwise it would be 5. Watch those parens to make sure they match!

Example 2:

gives( @if(ST:IQ < 11 then 0 else @if(ST:IQ < 13 then +1 else +2 )) )

This example gives 0 to an item if IQ is less than 10, +1 if IQ is 11 or 12, and +2 if IQ is 13 or greater. Be very cautious when you nest one @if function within another. It can be very easy to loose track of the parens, and thereby crash GCA when loading your data file because of unmatched pairs.




This function uses an index number to select a value from a list.


@indexedvalue( index, return1, return2 [, ..., returnN ] )


This function uses the value of index to select a corresponding return value from a list. For instance, if the value of index is 2, then return2 will be selected. If the value of index is greater than the number of items in the list, the last item in the list will be selected.

index must be a number or numeric expression greater than zero. The returnX items can be any appropriate number or numeric expression.


Appearance, 5/15/25, gives( =@indexedvalue(%level, +1, +4, +6) to GR:Reaction )

The system variable %level will frequently be used as the value of index. In this example, the Appearance advantage gives +1 to reaction rolls at level 1, +4 at level 2, and +6 at level 3.




This function returns the first integer less than or equal to a number.


@int( number )


The @int function always rounds down to the nearest whole number.


@fix(8.45) // returns 8

@fix(-8.45) // returns -9

This function always rounds down (-9 is less than -8.45). If you just want to remove the fractional part of a number, use @fix.




This function returns the base 10 log of a number.


@log( number )


number must be a number or numeric expression greater than zero.

When a number is expressed as a power of 10 (10x), the exponent x is the base 10 log of the number.


@log(1000) //returns 3 (1000 = 103)

@log(500) // returns 2.6989 (500 = 102.6989)

@log(0.001) // returns -3 (0.001 = 10-3)




This function returns the highest value from a list of values.


@max( value1, value2 [, ..., valueN ] )


The list of values can contain any number of items. A value can be either a number or a numeric expression. When the function is part of a Skill definition, list items can include references to the prereq and default values of the skill.

Also see the related function @min, which works just like @max except that it returns the lowest value in the list rather than the highest.

Example 1:

upto(@max(12, prereq-2, default-5))

This example defines an upto() tag in a skill. GCA evaluates the expressions in the list, then selects the highest value among the three items. For example, if prereq and default are both 15, then prereq-2 = 13 and default-5 = 10. The final list of values would be (12, 13, 10), and the value returned by @max would be 13.

Example 2:

gives(=@max(0,ST:ST-13) to SK:Blacksmith)

This example gives a bonus to the Blacksmith skill if ST is greater than 13, but doesn't subtract anything from the skill if ST-13 is a negative number.




This function returns the lowest value from a list of values.


@min( value1, value2 [, ..., valueN ] )


This function works exactly like @max except that it returns the lowest value in the list rather than the highest.


upto( @min(16, @max(12, prereq-2, default-5)) )

This example uses @min to put an upper limit on the first example given above in @max. The combined expression can never be less than 12 or greater than 16.




This function returns the natural log of a number.


@nlog( number )


number must be a number or numeric expression greater than zero.

The @nlog function can be used to compute a log in any base. Use the formula: @nlog(number)/@nlog(base), as demonstrated in the following examples.


@nlog(1000)/@nlog(10) //returns 3 (1000 = 103)

@nlog(25)/@nlog(5) // returns 2 (25 = 52)

Since GCA expressions don't use double precision arithmetic, small rounding errors are to be expected. For example, @nlog(125)/@nlog(5) returns 3.001 rather than 3.




This function returns a number raised to a given power.


@power( number, exponent )


number must be a number or numeric expression greater than zero.


@power(10,2) //returns 100 (100 = 102)

@power(5,3) // returns 125 (125 = 53)

@power(2,-2) //returns 0.25 (0.25 = 2-2 = 1/22)




This function returns the square root of a number.


@sqr( number )


number must be a number or numeric expression greater than zero.


@sqr(9) //returns 3

This document last updated July 25, 2007. Copyright © 2004, 2007 Armin D. Sykes. All rights reserved.