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Version 5.0.222 Released

GURPS Character Assistant has been released. Get the updated installer from your Warehouse 23 downloads page. (I’ve posted some help on doing that at both the new and old stores here.)

You get the updated installer by re-downloading the ZIP file from your Warehouse 23 account, and running the gca5setup_5.0.222.release.exe program that it contains (see the instructions link above). There is no separate update-only installer, you have to download and reinstall the program. It will not overwrite your personal data, it will overwrite your installation of GCA with the new and updated version.

This update includes all the changes mentioned in Build Notes posts since the last Release.

Featured post

Updating GCA to the Newest Version

GCA can update a lot of the files it uses through the Package Manager in the Check for Updates system. It can even tell you that a new update for itself is available. Unfortunately, GCA can not update its primary program files through this system. To update GCA itself, you have to reinstall it from the setup program available on Warehouse23–the same way you originally installed GCA.

Here’s how you do that.

In the future, SJGames will no longer be updating the GCA available at the OLD store, but for the time being they have graciously updated that download to the current version. If you originally purchased GCA through the NEW store, however, you must download the updated GCA installer from there.

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Molasses in Winter (b221)

I am SO VERY sorry that this build took so long to get out. I’ve been having some issues, but this still should not have taken this long. Official release should follow relatively soon if nothing significant pops up in the next little while.

* Miscellaneous

The Available Modifiers list in the Modifiers dialog will now show the calculation tiers for the modifiers in the icon column, as the Applied Modifiers list was already doing.

I think at some point in my revisions between the original attack displays for Unified View, and the new ones that I wrote during the open beta, I lost the code to display item notes for the modes. Everything was there except the few lines needed to assign them to the display. That is now fixed, and item notes are now shown. You can turn them back off in the Options for each box if you prefer not to see them.

Traits now save the tags baseweightunconverted(), baseweightconverted(), charammo(), and charammounits() as part of the trait’s XML calcs block.

Modifiers now save the tag description() as part of the XML block.

Made a slight adjustment to trait relationship checking for items with damage().

GCA will now update trait relationships after the user has edited the Modes for a trait.

GCA was not processing some #InputX directives if they weren’t the first directives found in the trait tags. Fixed.

A user complained that the Assigning Children part of loading a saved character took a long time. I looked into it, and indeed it does. I dug into the process, and I found a couple places where I could optimize things. The effect was quite dramatic, by a factor of 5 or more. I hope this helps a lot! (I also added a couple Engine options, not surfaced in the UI, to turn these changes back off, but hopefully nobody will need those for anything.)

GCA has very few places where it attempts to revert a change made by a trait when that trait is later removed, but there is a very simple attempt at reversion for replacetags(). There was an error in that system where it did not ensure that an affected trait existed before attempting to do the reversion. That is now fixed.

Based on a user crash report, although unable to reproduce the issue myself, I’ve added some addtional checks to the routine that collects and displays Show Info data for the classic trait lists, in an attempt to catch possible things that might cause the error reported in various situations.

* Adds()

I’ve added initial support for #tags() in adds(), as per how it was previously added for Select(). This allows for finding the item specified in the adds() list, then completely rebuiliding/replacing any desired tags using those specified in the #tags() taglist. Basically creating an on-the-fly new trait based on the specified one.

There was no need for this support in creates(), so it was not added there.

By it’s nature, #tags() makes some of the other supported stuff in adds() unnecessary, but I’ll leave all that alone. However, if it all works as intended, then going forward it may make more sense, for example, to use #tags() to replace initmods() rather than use ‘with…and…’ structures for including mods.

I’m not currently going to mess with anything that goes on when GCA does not find the exact trait specified; that will still work as before, with any popups or whatnot.

* Info panes

Since Tablet Mode and other common uses of the selection dialogs will often hide the Info pane on the main window, I’ve started adding optional Info panes on the selection dialogs.

I have now done this with the Modifiers dialog.

When the Info pane is closed, a View Info button will appear on the left side of the button bar at the bottom of the dialog to allow you to get it back.

* TagDefs.XML

Added ‘description’ as a valid tag to the Modifiers tags.

Added ‘ammo’, ‘charammo’ and ‘charammounits’ to Traits tags.


Added element ‘description’ to GCAModifier

Added elements ‘baseweightconverted’, ‘baseweightunconverted’, ‘charammo’ and ‘charammounits’ to the Calcs block of GCATrait

* launchcodes.xml

Added x86 folder location options for Chrome and Firefox browsers as PDF readers.

Package Updates

GURPS Basic Set 4th Ed.–Characters.gdf
<Melee Quality>
Composition: Stone – TL0+, *1, gives(+0.5 to owner::armor divisor)
changed to
Composition: Stone – TL0+, *1, gives(+0.5 to owner::armordivisor)

GURPS Monster Hunters 1 – Champions.gdf
Demon (Monster Hunters)
AD:Demontongue changed to LA:Demontongue

Demonspawn (Monster Hunters)
AD:Demontongue changed to LA:Demontongue

Outcast Angel (Monster Hunters)
AD:Adamic changed to LA:Adamic

Package Updates

GURPS Powers 4e.gdf
#MergeTags in “AD:Mindlink” with “mods(Mindlink)”

<Mind Control>
Cybernetic Only, -50%, group(Mind Probe/Reading), page(B70)

Cybernetic Only, -50%, group(Mind Probe/Reading), page(B70)
created group

Dungeon Fantasy RPG.gdf
Small Buckler
newmode(Bash, skillused(ST:DX-4, “SK:Shield (Buckler)”-2, “SK:Shield (Force)”-2, “SK:Shield (Shield)”)
changed to
newmode(Bash, skillused(ST:DX-4, “SK:Shield (Buckler)”, “SK:Shield (Force)”-2, “SK:Shield (Shield)”-2)

Medium Buckler
newmode(Bash, skillused(ST:DX-4, “SK:Shield (Buckler)”-2, “SK:Shield (Force)”-2, “SK:Shield (Shield)”)
changed to
newmode(Bash, skillused(ST:DX-4, “SK:Shield (Buckler)”, “SK:Shield (Force)”-2, “SK:Shield (Shield)”-2)

Package Updates

New book added, thanks to David Trimboli:

GURPS Powers 4e – Sample Powers

Please read the description of this file for usage notes.

New books added, thanks to T.R. Brown:

GURPS Fantasy Folk Elves.
GURPS Fantasy Folk Goblins.
GURPS Fantasy Folk Kobolds.

Package Updates

Dungeon Fantasy RPG.gdf


~_New Enchantment, [cost]
tier(1) was changed to tier(2)

In the listing below, each enchantment is listed with each modifier group to which it belongs. In every case, tier(2) was added to the modifier as found in that group.

<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

Continual Light

Defending Weapon
<Melee Quality>

Defending Shield


Flaming Weapon
<Melee Quality>


Icy Weapon
<Melee Quality>


Lightning Weapon
<Melee Quality>

Penetrating Weapon
<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

<Melee Quality>
<Bow Quality>
<Crossbow Quality>

Package Updates

GURPS Powers 4e.gdf
// #Clone “AD:Air Talent” as “AD:Cosmic Talent”
Line commented out

Cosmic Talent, 15/30, upto(4), page(P121,P167-169), cat(Supernatural, Mental, Talents – Powers), mods(_Talents, _Power Talents),_
blockat(@max(ST:HT÷2 + 3 + me::physicalpowerblock,ST:Will÷2 + 3 + me::mentalpowerblock)),_
=+@textindexedvalue( $modetag(mode),_
({Power Dodge}, me::powerdodge),_
({Power Block/Mental}, me::mentalpowerblock),_
({Power Block/Physical}, me::physicalpowerblock)_
) to me::skillscore$,_
+1 to SK:Skill Name Here, +1 to SK:Skill Name Here_
newmode(Power Dodge, skillused(ST:Basic Speed + 3)),_
newmode({Power Block/Physical}, skillused(ST:HT÷2 + 3)),_
newmode({Power Block/Mental}, skillused(ST:Will÷2 + 3)),_
powerdodge(-ST:PowerDodgeBase + @int(ST:PowerDodgeBase + (me::level/2))),_
mentalpowerblock(-ST:PowerBlockMentalBase + @int(ST:PowerBlockMentalBase + (me::level/2))),_
physicalpowerblock(-ST:PowerBlockPhysicalBase + @int(ST:PowerBlockPhysicalBase + (me::level/2)))
Line added (Cosmic Talent was there based on a cloned trait, but the cost was wrong. It was easiest to fix it with a new entry for it).

Package Updates

GURPS Prime Directive 4e.gdf
rkbrown has updated the GURPS Prime Directive worldbook to be in line with the 2020 Revised edition of the book which changes several of the Templates included and adds a few new ones.

Package Updates

GURPS Thaumatology 4e.gdf
<Magery 0>
Limited Colleges (%CollegesList%), -40%/-30%, round(up), upto(1), levelnames(,), group(Magery 0), page(Th24), formula(-10% * (5 – (%CollegesCost4% + %CollegesCost3% + %CollegesCost2% + %CollegesCost1%))), forceformula(yes),_

Limited Colleges (%CollegesList%), -40%/-30%, upto(1), levelnames(,), group(Magery), page(Th24), formula(-10% * (5 – (%CollegesCost4% + %CollegesCost3% + %CollegesCost2% + %CollegesCost1%))), forceformula(yes),_

In both of these, removed that % sign after -10 at the start of the formula().