Updated the attack selection criteria for the Unified Attack boxes so that hidden traits will be valid selections if Show Hidden is On.
Some minor updates to BBCodeEngine.
Slightly adjusted some of the _bw versions of trait icons due to layer issues.
I’ve made some adjustments to the code that applies sizing logic to the body location boxes on the Protection body image graphic. The boxes now have a smaller minimum height, which should work better for most characters.
Added support for Super-Effort Carry to the Move & Encumbrance boxes.
Added scaling of very large carry weights through ton (t), kiloton (Kt), and megaton (Mt).
Added some scaling for attribute scores over 1M when drawing them to character lists, so they’ll show as M values.
Added to the Edit Traits dialog some features for setting an attribute to appear in the main attribute list or to appear in the Additional Attribute list. (Additional Attribute’s are primarily used with sheets.)
I’ve added Super-Effort Lift as well as the Super-Effort Thr and Super-Effort Sw damages to General Info blocks, when those features are available.
I’ve added a checkbox for Metric next to Character In Play on General Info blocks, to make metric characters easier to use.
* GCA Prime Sheet
This sheet, formerly known as Angry Owl Sheet, is now the GCA Prime Sheet, and will be a new sheet bundled with GCA. Included here for the first time.