Version 5.0.220 Released

GURPS Character Assistant has been released. Get the updated installer from your Warehouse 23 downloads page. (I’ve posted some help on doing that at both the new and old stores here.)

You get the updated installer by re-downloading the ZIP file from your Warehouse 23 account, and running the gca5setup_5.0.220.release.exe program that it contains (see the instructions link above). There is no separate update-only installer, you have to download and reinstall the program. It will not overwrite your personal data, it will overwrite your installation of GCA with the new and updated version.

This update includes all the changes mentioned in Build Notes posts since the last Release.
This time, it’s a bug fix release, fixing two issues:

    • For some reason, GCA would stop responding if you were in an edit field on a Classic View trait list and you clicked on a tab to change to a different list or view. That should no longer happen.
    • Fixes a critical bug related to item weight calculations introduced in b213 (released with version 5.0.218).

4 thoughts on “Version 5.0.220 Released


    My name is Marcos Antonio, and I’m a GURPS player here in Brazil, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro. I’m reaching out to request, if possible, access to the GCA5 beta. Currently, I use GCA4 and am interested in acquiring the full version of the system. Unfortunately, the new version doesn’t have a Portuguese translation, so I plan to use the English version anyway.

    Additionally, I would like to know if there are plans for an update in other languages, thus expanding the reach of this wonderful system.

    Marcos Antonio
    GURPS Player

    1. Armin Post author

      I’m so sorry for the very late reply! Apparently this comment was hidden away somewhere and didn’t appear until another comment was made on this post.

      My private beta group is currently locked and fairly inactive, so I’m afraid that I’m not adding anyone new to it at this time.

      I don’t have plans at present to localize for different languages, because so many things are built on specific things having specific names. Sorry about that. I did have plans to make sure that the program itself could be localized, but I chose to shelve those some time back in the interest of getting things done faster. Like all such decisions, that has made it harder for me to now go in and do it properly. It is still on my agenda, but things like that tend to move pretty slowly at the best of times.

  2. Dana Jensen

    I get this every time I try to use the protection panel in GCA 5 (which worked fine a couple of days ago). Thoughts?:

    frmProtection_Load: Tried setting ‘splitPaperdoll.SplitterDistance’ to ‘0’ and an exception was raised.
    Unhandled Exception Occurred: SplitterDistance must be between Panel1MinSize and Width – Panel2MinSize.
    Stack Trace:
    at System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer.set_SplitterDistance(Int32 value)
    at System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer.set_Orientation(Orientation value)
    at GCA5.frmProtection.SetOrientation(Orientation Orientation)
    at GCA5.frmProtection.frmProtection_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

    1. Armin Post author

      (I replied via email before realizing this was a comment, so that email is pasted here.)

      I’m not sure why that would happen, because it shouldn’t be possible for it to get a 0 value. However, given that Windows sometimes tries opening windows at sizes that the program tells it not to allow, it’s possible something happened. Or, if you’re trying to run GCA on a tiny little screen, then that may be the cause, but it seems unlikely you’d be doing that.

      You can try to fix it yourself by editing the stored preferences that GCA is using, to remove the bad value.

      Open a File Explorer window.
      Paste “%appdata%\Steve Jackson Games\GURPS Character Assistant 5” (without the quotes!) into the location bar and hit enter. This should open up the AppData folder for GCA5.
      Open the gca5.prefs file in Notepad or another plain text editor.
      Search for “ProtectionLayerPaneSplitterDistance” (without the quotes).
      That line should look something like this: ProtectionLayerPaneSplitterDistance = 250 Delete that line (or change it to a number like 250 or something).
      Save the file.
      Try GCA again.



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