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Altered/Modified Basic Set files |
ENHBASIC.ZIP contains updated info from recent GDF files. Note: "This file includes some new new quirks, as well as a few changes to a couple ads/disads to match up with certain other data files. Please read the enclosed text file for an explanation of these items." (file by SD Anderson) (last modified 12SEP97)
LTBASIC.GDF is meant for low tech games, and contains no spell information (load Magic.GDF if you need that). (file by Mark Nettle) (last modified 17SEP97)
Mark Nettle's Undersea Campaign |
UNDERSEA.GDF From the author: "Rules changes for my Undersea campaign." (file by Mark Nettle) (last modified ?)
PCRACES.GDF From the author: "Racial packages for pc races from my Undersea campaign." (file by Mark Nettle) (last modified ?)
Omar Geraldo Lopes Diniz's Campaign |
A bunch of GDF files packaged together (English version) Note: "Please read the included text files for information on this set of files." (files by Omar Geraldo Lopes Diniz) (last modified 9JUL98)
A bunch of GDF files packaged together (Portuguese version) Note: "Please read the included text files for information on this set of files." (files by Omar Geraldo Lopes Diniz) (last modified 15DEC98)
Sailor Squasher Files |
MUNDANE.GDF contains data for mundane play, or as a base file before adding additional scenario/genre files. From the author: "All the "real-world" advantages, disads, skills, and mods from Basic Set, Compendium I, High-Tech and Vehicles. Also includes quirks.gdf, and a bunch of specializations for the Electronics, Electronics Operation, Mechanics, and Engineering skills from the Basic Set. No Psi, no magic, no racial or super powers. Designed for one-file stand alone modern campaigns." Please read the Author section of the data file for additional information. (file by Sailor Squasher) (last modified 10JUN98)
OCCULT.GDF contains data for occult play, designed as an add-on to Mundane above. Please read the Author section of the data file for additional information. (file by Sailor Squasher) (last modified 2SEP99)
RACESUPR.GDF contains data for races & supers, designed as an add-on to Mundane above. Please read the Author section of the data file for additional information. (file by Sailor Squasher) (last modified 2SEP99)
Mark Amaral's Cyberpunk Files |
Basic.GDF, Compend1.GDF, Cybrpunk.GDF, and Cybrwrld.GDF with additional mods and expansions for playing in a cyberpunk world. (file by Mark Amaral) (last modified ?)
Innocentia Splendia's Files |
Justice89 is a cinematic campaign of Good VS Evil with players creating characters of both types on the same mega scale: 175 pts plus Unlimited disadvantages for the most vile villains or stupendous heroes [but flawed.... those disadvantage points are oh so tempting.].
COPS_GDF.ZIP From the author: "Cops gdf can used to create both "Adam-12" characters or special Agents for one of those unnamed government bureaus. With package for various types of American style city police and Federal agents (SWAT team to burnt out detectives one step from a review board.)." Additional info in the enclosed text file. (file by Innocentia Splendia) (last modified 30NOV00)
IMMORTALS.ZIP From the author: "Immortal gdf can used for making Highlander the series style immortals with the Isaacson and Sparkman Gurps Immortals rules. The gdf file includes extras from the web translated into GURPS format." Additional info in the enclosed text file. (file by Innocentia Splendia) (last modified 30NOV00)
Timothy Pristash's Files |
HERALDS.ZIP For the Herald's of Justice campaign. Additional info in the enclosed text file. (file by Timothy Pristash) (last modified ?)
YTRH.ZIP For the Yrth campaign. Additional info in the enclosed text file. (file by Timothy Pristash) (last modified ?)