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All of the data files on this page are based on GURPS books. If you're looking for material from a Pyramid or Roleplayer article, check one of the other Data Files pages. If you don't see a book listed here, we probably don't have a data file for that book at this time.
A |
Aces Abroad data can be found in ACESABRD.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson) (last modified 8NOV96)
Aliens data can be found in ALIENRAC.GDF. From the author: "This data file contains race packages taken from GURPS Aliens, GURPS Space Atlas 4, and Pyramid #19 including the official Errata." (file by Eric Smith) (last modified 16AUG99)
Arabian Nights data can be found in ARABNITE.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 24SEP97)
Atomic Horror data can be found in ATOMHORR.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 11MAY96)
Autoduel data can be found in AUTODUEL.GDF. (file by Allan Kemp) (last modified 25SEP97)
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Bio-Tech data can be found in BIOTECH.GDF. (file by Sailor Squasher) (last modified 30JUN00)
Black Ops data can be found in BLACKOPS.GDF. Includes a BlackOps.TXT file. (file by Patrick Fuller and Kelly Crane) (last modified 26AUG99)
Blood Types data can be found in BLOODTY.GDF. (file by Grover C. Browning) (last modified 3OCT97)
Bunnies & Burrows data can be found in BUNNIES.GDF. From the author: "This is a single file for all aspects of bunny life. There are lots and lots of things in the Basic Set and the Compendium that Bunnies aren't allowed to use, so be careful if you want to add another data file!" (file by Mark Manzano and Thorsten Haude) (last modified 8SEP02)
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Callahan's Crosstime Saloon data can be found in CALLAHAN.GDF. (file by Kris Eubanks) (last modified 3OCT97)
Camelot data can be found in CAMELOT.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson) (last modified 26SEP97)
Celtic Myth data can be found in CELTIC.GDF. (file by Allan Kemp & Bruce Flinn) (last modified 25SEP97)
China data can be found in CHINA.GDF. (file by Marzo Junior) (last modified 25SEP97)
Cliffhangers data can be found in CLIFFHNG.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 25SEP97)
Conan data can be found in CONAN.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 21SEP97)
CthulhuPunk data can be found in CTHUPUNK.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 25SEP97)
Cyberpunk data can be found in CYBRPUNK.GDF. (file by Mook) (last modified 26SEP97)
Cyberworld data can be found in CYBRWRLD.GDF. (file by Mook) (last modified 25SEP97)
D |
Deadlands: Weird West data can be found in Deadland.GDF. Includes a several explanatory text files as well. (file by Innocentia Splendia) (last modified 19FEB02)
Dinosaurs data can be found in DINOS.GDF. (file by Grover C. Browning) (last modified 25SEP97)
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Egypt data can be found in EGYPT.GDF. (file by Jean-Francois Dufresne) (last modified 11JUN00)
Espionage data can be found in ESPIONAG.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson) (last modified 25SEP97)
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Fantasy data can be found in FANTASY.GDF. (file by Marzo Junior) (last modified 30SEP97)
Fantasy II: the Mad Lands data can be found in MADLANDS.GDF. From the author: "1) This file must be used completely alone, not even Basic.gdf, LTBasic.gdf, VBasic.gdf and Compend1.gdf can be loaded with it. This is because the magic system is different, and Magery is a disad. Also, lots (literally lots) of ads, disads and skills found on those files (and any other files) cannot be taken by madlanders. As such, this file was made to be completely self-sufficient. 2) Now includes Soulless Sorcery!" (file by Marzo Junior) (last modified 17SEP97)
Fantasy Folk data can be found in FFOLK.GDF (just the ads/disads and such, no race packages). (file by Mark Nettle) (last modified 08SEP02)
Fantasy Folk race packages data can be found in FFRACES.GDF (you also need FFOLK.GDF above). Note: This file differs from the FFRaces2.GDF file below in that it requires the FFolk.GDF file instead of the Compend1.GDF file. If you already load Compend1.GDF, you may want to consider loading the other file and not loading FFolk.GDF as well. If you don't load Compend1.GDF, you should use this file in conjunction with FFolk.GDF. (file by Armin D. Sykes) (last modified 21JAN98)
Fantasy Folk race packages data can be found in FFRACES2.GDF (you also need COMPEND1.GDF above). Note: This file differs from the FFRaces.GDF file above in that it requires the Compend1.GDF file instead of the FFolk.GDF file. If you use this file, you do not need to load FFolk.GDF, thereby saving you some loading time and memory if you already load Compend1.GDF. (file by Brandi Weed) (last modified 10JUN98)
G |
Goblins data can be found in GOBLINS.GDF. (file by Craig Roth) (last modified 27SEP97)
Greece data can be found in GREECE.GDF. (file by Marzo Junior) (last modified 5JUN98)
Grimoire data can be found in GRIMOIRE.GDF. (file by Mark Jamison & ADS) (last modified 3OCT97)
H |
High-Tech data can be found in HIGHTECH.GDF. (file by Grover C. Browning) (last modified 8NOV96)
Horror data can be found in HORROR.GDF. (file by Allan Kemp) (last modified 3OCT97)
Humanx data can be found in HUMANX.GDF. (file by Allan Kemp) (last modified 30SEP97)
I |
Ice Age data can be found in ICEAGE.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 26JAN96)
Illuminati data can be found in ILLUMINA.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson) (last modified 25SEP97)
Illuminati University data can be found in IOU.GDF. (file by Craig Roth) (last modified 3OCT97)
Imperial Rome data can be found in ROME.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson) (last modified 3OCT97)
I.S.T. (International Super Teams) data can be found in IST.GDF. (file by Craig Roth) (last modified 29JUL97)
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Japan data can be found in JAPAN.GDF. (file by Gideon) (last modified 30SEP97)
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Lensman data can be found in LENSMAN.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 30SEP97)
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Mage: The Ascension data can be found in MAGI.GDF. (file by Puck and Marzo Junior) (last modified 18SEP97)
Mage: The Ascension data, with updates/corrections to bring it up to Mage 2nd Edition, can be found in MAGI_V2.GDF. (file by Innocentia Splendia) (last modified 23SEP01)
Magic data can be found in MAGIC.GDF. (file by ADS) (last modified 21JAN97)
Magic data can be found in MAGIC~.GDF. This file includes extended information for casting cost, casting time, duration, and spell descriptions. This extra information soaks up a lot of memory, so do not use it if you don't have plenty to spare. This file also requires GCA v2.12 or later. Remember to read the Author section of the data file. (file by Roger Willcocks) (last modified 19DEC97)
Magic knacks can be found in KNACKS.GDF. (file by Omar Geraldo Lopes Diniz) (last modified 26APR97)
Martial Arts 2nd Edition data can be found in MARTART2.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson and ADS) (last modified 10JUN98)
Martial Arts 2nd Edition data can also be found in MA2EPVD.GDF. This file is basically the same as the one above, but it has expanded lists of the skills which require specialization, saving the user some steps. (file modified by Peter Dell'Orto) (last modified 10JUN98)
Martial Arts 2nd Edition styles data can be found in MA2STYLE.GDF (you also need MARTART2.GDF above). (file by Marzo Junior) (last modified 14AUG97)
Mecha data can be found in MECHA.GDF. From the author: "This file must be loaded with Compendium I!" (file by Jon Seeley & Don Diestler) (last modified 17SEP97)
Middle Ages 1 data can be found in MIDDLEAG.GDF. (file by Shawn M. Kelley) (last modified 21MAR97)
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Places of Mystery data can be found in PMYSTERY.GDF. (file by Craig Roth) (last modified 23MAY96)
Psionics data can be found in PSIONICS.GDF. (file by ADS & Eric Smith) (last modified 14MAR03)
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Religion data can be found in RELIGION.GDF. (file by Vinícius dos Santos Watzl Costa Lima) (last modified 22APR98)
Robin Hood data can be found in ROBINHOO.GDF. (file by Allan Kemp) (last modified 3OCT97)
Robots data can be found in ROBOTS.GDF. (file by Grover C. Browning) (last modified 8NOV96)
Russia data can be found in RUSSIA.GDF. (file by Craig Roth) (last modified 16MAR98)
S |
Space data can be found in SPACE.GDF. (file by Mook & Don Diestler & ADS) (last modified 3OCT97)
Special Ops 2nd Edition data can be found in spop2ed.GDF. (file by Ben Cannon) (last modified 1AUG02)
Steampunk data can be found in stmpunk.GDF. (file by Ben Cannon) (last modified 30AUG02)
Supers data can be found in SUPERS.GDF. (file by Brandon E. Sharpe & Jonas Karlsson) (last modified 14MAR03)
Swashbucklers 3rd Edition data can be found in SWASHBUC.GDF. From the author: "This data file contains information taken from the GURPS Swashbucklers, 3rd edition sourcebook, completely revised combat styles that originally appeared in Pyramid #18, what I consider the most important clarifications from my Designer's Notes Pyramid article for Swashbucklers 3, and a couple of other surprise goodies. It supercedes all previous swashbuc.gdf files and replaces the honour.gdf file." (file by Bryan J. Maloney) (last modified 2FEB00)
T |
Technomancer data can be found in tmancer.GDF. (file by Ben Cannon) (last modified 17AUG02)
Terradyne data can be found in TERADYNE.GDF. (file by Mook) (last modified 16OCT96)
Time Travel data can be found in TIMETRAV.GDF. (file by Craig Roth) (last modified 21MAR97)
Traveller data can be found in TRAV.GDF. Note: The ZIP file includes a text file, travnote.txt, that includes some additional usage information. (file by Juliean Galak) (last modified 15AUG99)
U |
Ultra-Tech data can be found in ULTRATEC.GDF. (file by Grover C. Browning and Charly Bell) (last modified 5FEB98)
Ultra-Tech 2 data can be found in ULTRTEC2.GDF. (file by Charly Bell) (last modified 5FEB98)
Undead data can be found in UNDEAD.GDF. From the author: "YOU MUST also load the compend1.gdf data file when using this data file, magic.gdf is also recommended." (file by Scott Shorter) (last modified 5NOV99)
Uplift data can be found in UPLIFT.GDF. (file by David Edelstein) (last modified 17SEP97)
V |
Vampire: The Masquerade data can be found in VAMPIRE.GDF. (file by Redeucer and Marzo Junior) (last modified 29JUL98)
Vehicles 2nd Edition data can be found in VEHIC2.GDF. (file by Grover C. Browning) (last modified 16OCT96)
Vikings data can be found in VIKINGS.GDF. (file by David Washburn) (last modified 8NOV96)
Voodoo data can be found in VOODOO.GDF. (file by Jonas Karlsson and Stefan Lang) (last modified 6DEC97)
W |
War Against the Chtorr data can be found in CHTORR.GDF. (file by Don Diestler) (last modified 25SEP97)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse data can be found in WEREWOLF.GDF. (file by Marzo Junior) (last modified 19SEP97)
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