Package Updates

GURPS Powers 4e.gdf
// #Clone “AD:Air Talent” as “AD:Cosmic Talent”
Line commented out

Cosmic Talent, 15/30, upto(4), page(P121,P167-169), cat(Supernatural, Mental, Talents – Powers), mods(_Talents, _Power Talents),_
blockat(@max(ST:HT÷2 + 3 + me::physicalpowerblock,ST:Will÷2 + 3 + me::mentalpowerblock)),_
=+@textindexedvalue( $modetag(mode),_
({Power Dodge}, me::powerdodge),_
({Power Block/Mental}, me::mentalpowerblock),_
({Power Block/Physical}, me::physicalpowerblock)_
) to me::skillscore$,_
+1 to SK:Skill Name Here, +1 to SK:Skill Name Here_
newmode(Power Dodge, skillused(ST:Basic Speed + 3)),_
newmode({Power Block/Physical}, skillused(ST:HT÷2 + 3)),_
newmode({Power Block/Mental}, skillused(ST:Will÷2 + 3)),_
powerdodge(-ST:PowerDodgeBase + @int(ST:PowerDodgeBase + (me::level/2))),_
mentalpowerblock(-ST:PowerBlockMentalBase + @int(ST:PowerBlockMentalBase + (me::level/2))),_
physicalpowerblock(-ST:PowerBlockPhysicalBase + @int(ST:PowerBlockPhysicalBase + (me::level/2)))
Line added (Cosmic Talent was there based on a cloned trait, but the cost was wrong. It was easiest to fix it with a new entry for it).

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