Fix flag bits? (b158)


New characters, those just created that have NOT been loaded from a save file, were not getting their event handlers set correctly. This prevented a variety of things from working correctly, include #ChoiceList. That is now fixed.

I found that I had some code in skill level calculations related to upto() that didn’t seem to make any sense. It was applying Level limits even if only a Point limit had been set. I removed the apparently erroneous code.

At some point, the code that checked whether a trait was being mitigated, and therefore whether taboos should be checked, became broken, so that traits that *were not* being mitigated were no longer being checked for taboos at all during normal operation.

Adjusted Select windows so that the ‘green flag’ overspent points icon will display next to, not on top of, the pin icon for ‘your character has this already’.

The character sheet should now get correctly updated after you close the Protection dialog after changing Block or Parry.

The Campaign Log window’s minimum size has been increased slightly. In addition, there is now an active splitter bar between the two halves of the window, so you can size things more to your preference. Each half has a minimum size, so at the smallest window size there is very little wiggle room, but there’s a lot to work with at larger sizes.

* Green Flags

Fixed the ‘green flags on default’ issue with a super simple check of a value I shouldn’t have left out but did, damnit.

This new setting should now actually be saved/loaded with the character.


Added element ‘flagoverspentskills’ to GCACharacter settings block.

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