2022 June 8
** Core Supplemental
* GCA Prime Sheet
Improved support for Super-Effort ST, Super-Effort Lifting ST, and Super-Effort Striking ST.
** Spring Bandit Sheet
Improved support for Super-Effort ST, Super-Effort Lifting ST, and Super-Effort Striking ST.
* Core Books
GURPS Supers 4e.gdf
Super-Effort Lifting ST
Super-Effort Basic Lift
Super-Effort One-Handed Lift
Super-Effort Two-Handed Lift
Super-Effort Shove/Knock Over
Super-Effort Carry on Back
Super-Effort Shift Slightly
TK Super-Effort ST
TK Super-Effort Basic Lift
TK Super-Effort Max Lift
TK Super-Effort Shove/Knock Over
TK Super-Effort Shift Slightly
Super-Effort ST
Super-Effort Striking ST
TK Super-Effort Striking ST
added a hideme() tag to handle if they should be hidden or not
Super ST
replacetags() removed because the new hideme() tags should handle the intended function
<Super ST>
Super ST, +300%
replacetags() removed because the new hideme() tags should handle the intended function
<Striking ST>
Super-Effort, +400%
replacetags() removed because the new hideme() tags should handle the intended function
<Lifting ST>
Super-Effort, +400%
replacetags() removed because the new hideme() tags should handle the intended function
GURPS Powers 4e.gdf
Super-Effort Lifting ST
Super-Effort Basic Lift
Super-Effort One-Handed Lift
Super-Effort Two-Handed Lift
Super-Effort Shove/Knock Over
Super-Effort Carry on Back
Super-Effort Shift Slightly
TK Super-Effort ST
TK Super-Effort Basic Lift
TK Super-Effort Max Lift
TK Super-Effort Shove/Knock Over
TK Super-Effort Shift Slightly
added a hideme() tag to handle if they should be hidden or not
#MergeTags in “AD:Lifting ST”
removed because the new hideme() in each tagged attribute should handle the intended function
#MergeTags in “AD:Telekinesis”
removed some of the targets because the new hideme() in each tagged attribute should handle the intended function