There was a bug in how GCA removed nested components when deleting a template. That is now fixed.
The Recycle Bin didn’t properly support multiple levels of components. That is now fixed.
Added Public Function NonAttackModes() As ModeManager to the ModeManager class, which returns all contained modes that are not melee or ranged attacks (denoted by having charreach() or charrangemax() tags respectively) as a ModeManager.
Updated the Attack boxes in Unified to show DisplayName for the trait.
Adjusted filling of the Description and User Notes fields in Edit Traits to better support the possibility of there being partial RTF fragments (such as \par for paragraph breaks) in the original data, without there being full RTF. This basically converts the text with RTF fragments into full RTF before putting it into the editor by including a small RTF header. Since it would come out of the editor as full RTF anyway, this just ensures that the fragments aren’t ‘lost’ by being converted into embedded text rather than the intended RTF codes.